Get the book that John Patrick Green of Investi-Gators calls, “A Devious Delight!”Lincoln Peirce (Big Nate) says, “puts the SUPER in Supervillain!” And Terry Libenson says is “a hilarious twist on a ‘good vs. evil’ adventure!”
VERDICT: Sure to be a crowd-pleaser with fans of Lincoln Peirce’s “Big Nate” or Scott Seegert’s “Vordak the Incomprehensible.” Readers will eagerly await further adventures from Steve and his classmates.
“It’s hard to take over the world when you still have a bedtime.” While that is true, Steve L. McEvil has bigger problems than bedtime. Middle school is always tough, but knowing that your ancestor stole Atlantis is a hard family tradition to uphold, even if you have a Death Bot named DORKUS (Drone Of Remarkable Knowledge, Usefulness, and Skill). Among other trials, Steve has to deal with the crush he can’t talk to, a goodie-goodie new kid, a sister who is better at evil than he is, and being given “old lady” frames for his new glasses. He seems to be a middle grade version of Judith Viorst’s Alexander minus the desire to move to Australia. Plenty of humor will appeal to middle grade readers and their parents, such as Steve’s horror at being assigned to two weeks on the Buddy Bench at recess. “Can’t you, like, expel me instead? Please?!” he begs the principal. References to “Star Wars,” “Short Circuit,” and “Highlander,” show some of Turnbloom’s influences. Bold comic book illustrations capture all the action, use facial expressions to give more depth to the dialogue, and showcase the epic hairstyles of Steve and Vic (whose pompadour could rival Fabian’s). Added features include instructions for making a three-panel comic strip and how to draw Steve and DORKUS. VERDICT Sure to be a crowd-pleaser with fans of Lincoln Peirce’s “Big Nate” or Scott Seegert’s “Vordak the Incomprehensible.” Readers will eagerly await further adventures from Steve and his classmates.
One of the things I love to include in every comic I create is the Easter Egg. One of the big ones in STEVE L. MCEVIL is the character, Dad McEvil. Dad is absolutely based on my character Darin from Imagine THIS, as well as the hoo-man character from HOW TO CAT.
But there’s a reason for that! Each of these characters are all, sort of, based on me. AND, believe it or note, this character is actually an iteration, of an iteration, of an iteration, of a caricature I made of myself almost two decades ago. Only, I don’t wear glasses these days, nor am I that…well, thin.
But more importantly, Dad McEvil’s story is actually very similar to my own — a comic artist struggling to find work in an age beyond newspapers. And for that reason, Dad McEvil will always have a special place in my heart.
Also, Dad DOES have a first name — which we will learn in Steve L. McEvil 2, coming next Spring!
Dad McEvil asks Gramps McEvil for feedback on his new comic idea.
This week I join the always charismatic Tom Racine on his podcast,Tall Tale Radio as we discuss STEVE L. McEVIL as well as my comics HOW TO CAT, DREAM JUMPER and IMAGINE THIS!
“Kids who love anything relating to superheroes and supervillains will appreciate this funny, fast-paced comic.”
Steve L. McEvil might be the son of an out-of-work cartoonist, but he is descended from a long line of the world’s greatest super villains. His grandpa was the latest in the family to hold the title until his recent retirement, which has left the crown up for grabs. Young Steve is keen on following in his grandpa’s footsteps, but his villainous undertakings run into a road block when Vic Turry, a new kid at school with a strong sense of righteousness, begins foiling all of Steve’s evil plans. However, when the two are paired for a school assignment with their classmate, Sierra (Steve’s secret crush), they discover a mysterious occurrence that forces Steve to reconsider the life of villainy, all while managing typical sixth-grade worries. Turnbloom’s campy cartoon art playfully makes use of classic comic book tropes, like robots, gadgets, and gravitydefying hairstyles, and nicely complements the wry storytelling. Kids who love anything relating to superheroes and supervillains will appreciate this funny, fast-paced comic.”
And I am THE GREATEST SUPERVILLAIN IN THE WORLD! Or…I will be. It’s hard to take over the planet when you still have a bedtime.
Right now, my grandpa Tiberius McEvil is teaching me how to pull off my nefarious schemes. Though lately someone has been doing the job for me. These weird stones have appeared in town. Professor Stinger won’t stop droning on about wormholes. And no one is more villainous than my new neighbor Vic Turry. That guy is just so…NICE! Barf. Even Sierra, who rarely looks up from her geology books, is impressed by his good guy routine. But I’ll show them all. No one can outsmart STEVE L. McEVIL! (Yeah, yeah, I know it rhymes).
“With smarm and charm, Steve L. McEvil is a devious delight!”
John Patrick Green, InvestiGators series
This book has it all: action, mystery, friendship, family, cats, crushes, and a death bot (I mean…). A hilarious twist on a ‘good vs. evil’ adventure, you’ll love STEVE L. McEVIL!”
Terri Libenson, Emmie & Friends series
“A coming of age tale about friendship, black holes, flatulence, and supervillains. Perfect for young evil geniuses in the classroom.”